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Youth Home (Fujian) Sport Goods Co.,Ltd

2020 Fire Phoenix Air Sneaker

2020 Fire Phoenix Air Sneaker

通常価格 $50.00
通常価格 セール価格 $50.00
セール 売り切れ

Delivery Time

Delivery Time

Country / Region Days
US / CA 10
EUR 7 - 9
JP / KR / SG 6 - 8
AU / NZ 10 - 12
SA / AE 10 - 12

The table only shows reference completion delivery times for some countries or regions.
The delivery time is for reference only, please refer to the actual delivery time for the specific delivery time.

Shipping & Returns

Free standard shipping to all countries.Learn more Return policy.

  • Weight: 340g (US Women)
  • Heel-to-toe drop: 5mm
Fashion continues

The feather design on the side represents lightness and speed. On this basis, we added the gradient ONEMIX logo, which is confident and fashionable. The auspicious cloud pattern in traditional Chinese culture on the sole means stepping on auspicious clouds, which represents great success and good luck.

Air cushioning

The high-quality air cushion covers the entire sole of the foot, which can reduce impact force more effectively than ordinary EVA, making you more comfortable when walking or exercising. The air cushion is also highly adaptable and can independently and dynamically adjust according to the pressure distribution of the foot. It can adapt to various foot shapes, thereby providing more personalized support.

Material upgrade again

The upper uses double-layer jacquard material and is woven with Flyknit technology. Jacquard uppers are made of natural plant fibers, which have amazing breathability and innate texture, and are naturally renewable, environmentally friendly and healthy, without causing any burden on the environment. It not only brings comfortable wearing experience, but also is the perfect combination of fashion and health.
